Tuesday 21 April 2009

Edible sandwich mitt

Picture the scene... It's a nice sunny day, you're armed with lovely filled baguettes for your picnic, but as you start to chomp your way through them all of the filling starts to ooze out of the sides and onto your hands, then onto your clothes and you end up in a right mess!!!

The answer to this is simple (and yes I have actually tried this... Well kind of!!!). What you need is a Lettuce Mitt. Two large lettuce leaves (Iceberg works pretty well) stuck together to form an ideal glove with which to hold the messy sandwich with. So then when all the filling starts to ooze, it will fall onto the Lettuce Mitt and then at the end of your sandwich the protective glove can simply be eaten.

An extra large helping of dung goes to Stephen Coley for this fantastic idea.

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