Friday, 30 January 2009

Renumber Starwars

They should renumber the star wars films so that additional episodes can be inserted non-contiguously.

This will be familiar with programmers from the 80's whereby you would number the lines in your BASIC programs 10, 20, 30 etc. so that should you wish, at some later point in time to add a line between say 10 and 20 you could quite simply call it 15. Then , god forbid, you needed to add a line before that, it really wasn't a problem you could call it line 12. Simple, but then even this method of episode numbering could run into problems if there were more than 9 new episodes between 10 and 20.

A fractional numbering system could be used, this means that there are an infinite number of episodes that can be inserted, for example Star Wars 1.40021 could be the 40021st episode after the 1st one.

An even simpler solution would be to drop the numbering system altogether and just have names. For example "Episode IV A new Hope" could simply be called "A New Hope". Or "Episode IV.324 - Yoda's Mistress" would simply be called "Yoda's Mistress"

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